My fashion show!!

星期四, 四月 24, 2008

South Dakota trip~

Yeah!! finally been here!!

Long time no see bloggy.. if didnt go to this trip, i dont think will update until now... well..basically the trip was free for International Student..and so LUCKY im the only MALAYSIAN ppl there.. :"com'on.. "

well..I guess pictures can tell the story~ besides going to Mt. Rushmore, where the famous four presidents head, we went to Crazy Horse monument too, just like the Mt. rushmore, but it would be the biggest monument in the world after completed.. and also went to Wind Cave, forth largest cave in da world! Well, typical cave for me except they have lift going back to where you came from!

Oh ya, went to badlands too.. basically it just looks like grand canyon..and I think its the most fun part for whole trip...cuz of the awesome weathar to run around and took some LAME pics..haha


Malaysia 2
