My fashion show!!

星期日, 十一月 30, 2008

officially blog moved!!

Well... i dont have time for 2 blogs now so I will only focus on this new blog:

星期六, 八月 30, 2008


What could be happened to an Asian boy dating an American girl?
Who will ever think about dating an American girl at the first place? We heard a lot of stories about Asian girls dating white guys, but seldom for the other way round… Indeed, a lot of considerations and difficulties will occur sooner or later…

There is a video at youtube shows tons of reasons why Asians guys hardly get a white girl…there are lots of reasons as well why Asian girls can get a white guy more easier… well, I’m not going to elaborate all the reasons here…

Perhaps it is not a problem at all for an American Asian boy, but it might be a huge different for a boy who is growing from non- English speaking environment and just using English occasionally. Well, how about culture differences or point of views because living experiences are totally different?

Hmm… no doubt that being with a totally different-world-girl can open up our mind in many ways… it is really great experiences hanging out/ dating those girls… and I think it would be unbelievable and unforgettable moments for that. .. What else could be better than with someone at one of the Seven Wonders of the World? =) My roommate told me that he gonna get me a black girl before I going back to Minnesota, I hope he will never do that…hahha

So, what would be happened to an Asian boy dating a white girl? I don’t know the answers and perhaps could have chance for that ;)

星期五, 八月 15, 2008



当然还有几件值得庆幸的事,我的两位黑人室友真是好人极了。女的是惟一在这间家有车的,没有他我可能一天还不只走了3 miles.男的有义气得更没话说,才认识第二天,就坚持陪我走去百货公司,不单要走15分钟那么远,还要他淋着雨,虽然我已说了我知道怎么去。。。


无奈的事,我所选的科全都要什么Internat Access,感谢要买那个密码,就不能买旧书,算算一下,要花大概600 来买书!! 开什么玩笑!!!!

星期一, 八月 11, 2008



虽然还有好多事要办,但比我想象中的顺利好多,房东真是个好人,不但帮我整顿这间家,还带我去买了好多东西,而且找到了好多免费货,算算一下到了这儿才花了大约200,比起 以前少好多了。。如果不是花了35美金坐德士,可能省更多!


虽然这次房间还是一样小,但超幸运用40美金就得到了一张queen saiz床,真后悔当初用了100块买了一张full saiz。。>< 今天如果能找到一张书桌,还有一些小用具,那就大功告成了!

昨晚上忽然停电! 整间屋子也暗得像鬼屋!跌跌橦橦的走道发电机弄了老半天还是不行,室友友不再,不知是发生什么事,也不能继续整理,就打电话给ada。。又和steven 谈了一下下,之后又去烦maggie和容容。。maggie还真以为我要去载他们到walmart!哈哈!!


星期二, 七月 29, 2008

trip+ work

一直听说Duluth 是个美丽的城市,虽然离这儿不远,大约4个小时吧,在美国是酱咯,尤其这个地方,无论到那个景点或大城市都要最少3个小时。。去Duluth还蛮临时的,maggie , steven 和台湾来的雨容,在取得前一晚才开始找房间和租车。可以算是有史以来最难找hotel的一次,我们差不多打完所有在duluth的旅馆,竟然只有一间有房间,而且比起平时还蛮贵,原来我们来对时间,第二天是哪儿一年一度的Lake Superior Day, 庆祝全世界最大的淡水湖。。那个哪像湖阿,根本是海嘛!不过是淡水的海,也没有沙滩和美女。。哈哈我们租的车可神气了,车牌是Hawaii.!! 好多经过我们车的人都问,你们怎样把车送过海的阿?那两天真觉得我们是从Hawaii 来的!之前因一位朋友而蛮常去 Dairy Queen,所以一路上我都在吃冰,最经典的还是当我们在等10分钟火车时,我为了冰而跑过去了,后面车里的人都有点吓到。。哈哈。。没办法,连名字都有彬(冰)注定和冰淇淋在一起了,还记得婆婆说我开始说话的时候, 就一直在说ice cream..-.-“ Lake superior 有一个出名的灯塔,从灯塔往下去真的好美,这个正是2天旅游的好地方,带着平静的心灵回去。。。。一路上我们的台湾美眉听到SHE歌时就禁不止禁就伴唱了,我还录了整整一段的歌! Duluth完后又要开始工作,老板说每天要做12小时,但这4天只有一天是做满12小时,可能运气好吧,有时还好的可怕。。有两天竟然比平时找放2 个小时, 有一天还因为机器故障而白赚4个小时的工资, 就说有天提早放工,学校有人打来说再到不见两个月的钱包,之后又要去邮局,还要到银行,要在关门时做完全不是不可能的,我还已经决定找一天提早放工,每次放工后已经是傍晚了。。但不可能的事还是发生了,我不但全部都准时做到,过程还找超顺利的! 运气好到不信!我自认从小到大运气从不在我这里,而且每当好运来临时,倒霉事就会接二连三地发生。。。 Anyway,过的平安就心满意足了!

星期三, 七月 16, 2008

endless days

without a job, life is too bored and too much time...
but when get a job, especially this job.... now really dont have time to do anything besides fight for the sleeping time.. 无论如何,还是觉得蛮幸运的, 工资不错,现在又觉得可以安心得花钱了,不过还是过着穷人的生活。。大部分时间到Macdonald's..够便宜嘛!不然就是其他 dollar menu。。感觉蛮不错的!哈哈

开工的第二天, 受伤的伤痕已多了五条, 作这分工被纸割上已见怪不怪, 手指头的血不管留再多也不想洗了,反正可能五分钟后另一到伤口又会出现。。算算一下,总共不少过20条疤痕吧。。。


星期一, 七月 14, 2008

working! Finally...

Just after came back from Miami, I've been dealing with the house and other stuffs again, especially dealing about house in New York, but anyway, this always been a damn small world, I was chilled with one of my best lad for 4th of July, at MSUM thou, there are fireworks at night by the way, anyway... he told me he was going to quit the job after few days later and I welcomed to take over his place...

well, its off campus job but as you know..if you have some connections, it would be not a bad idea to work illegally... and the shocking news was some of my Viet friends working there as well!!!

Look, my bud is from Ethopia, and MSUM, there are no other ways he can know them who came from Viet and this city is way too small!! everyone knows eveyone...

anyway, after I been to the interview at the factory, the boss told me to start the next day... oh ya, its a paper printing factory called knight priting, basically just print out the elementary books ordered from all over America.
I working at the punching department..ahhh...not that hard job actually, just put the books at the punching machine and take it out while its done, and put them back again.. paid is kinda decent compare to my previous job, so far the highest paid! Its 8!! and I could get bonus if work on Sat.. HOWEVER!! the working time is kinda funny...6am to 4.30pm!!!! means i need to wake up 5am everyday, before the sun comes out ( umm...sun came out at 4.45am during summer actually..haha) its kinda sleepy and tired for working 10 hours everyday, and 5 days a week atleast..

I glad to get this job although its kinda insane with the hours..but its the perfect time to get back my money that spent extra for the Florida trip. Hopefully I could earn as much as I can before head to New yORK.

I still remember a special day, 7/11, its friday...and last year this time it was my first time at LA. What freaks me out a little was i got a school from Rowland High, California!!! I think its the school just opposite Serena's house...hahha..small world huh..but I so use to this kind of things already... Since I met back Wan Xin from Wan Kee.. there is not a big world for me...

Its Sunday now, a day for me to relax...but this week I watched a lots of movies at night after work with some friends. A friend who came from Taiwan, Maggie's cousin!
I think we watched more than 8 movies, well..if you think I paid all of it then you people always get advantages from anything possibly.. We got one ticket and watched 2 movies... and most of the movies we watched are dollar movie, means movies are kinda go down before releasing DVD.

Life is so busy after work!!!!


Malaysia 2
