My fashion show!!

星期六, 九月 09, 2006

first day for the job

well..done my first job for today in uSA! it just become tutor for math.I just explained some set questions( form 4 standerd..) to my tutee..some questions are pretty tricky..and I have to get use all the terms and recall some concept back. 1 hour just went so fast,and got my 7 bucks's another student contect me just now..Seems like my 'business' going well !!

Bio test will start on next week, hopefully I can do it beautifully!! I sincerely hope that my coursemate n I can do well in the test,for the Asian PPl!!

Tomorrow will have a Korea party in the campus...I can enjoy 100% Korean Food!! Even these days I cooked some dished with Kinchee,but I still LOVE it!! Cant wait for tomorrow.
Have a soccer match among International student now..TO BE CONTINUE>>>

p/s..on the way to stadium,found that the moon tonight is the most beautiful moon I had ever seen...not I wana compare with anything or trying to said sumthing,but its is beautiful...



Malaysia 2
